
Toshiba's TG01 running Snapdragon launched as T-01A in Japan

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One of the hottest pieces of gear
this year just made its way to retail in Japan. Less than a
centimeter thick, the NTT DoCoMo T-01A is the same
TG01 device revealed by Toshiba
back in February running Qualcomm's ultra-fast 1GHz Snapdragon
chipset. As such, our far east brethren can lay claim to that
4.1-inch WVGA (800 x 480 pixel) resistive touchscreen display;
HSDPA, GPS, and WiFi radios; and Toshiba's custom-built UI meant to
mask its Windows Mobile 6.1 core with a bit of Rothko misdirection.
And now that Toshiba's home country of Japan is all set, we hope to
see the TG01 make its launch debute in Europe and beyond.

[ Source: Engadgetmobile ]